
I tried very hard to make sure that there were no errors in the code or in the text. But no one is perfect, so I would be very grateful for your help.

If you spot a typo, a misspelled word, or a faulty line of code, please let me know. I will make a correction, and your feedback may save another reader hours of confusion.

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Error List

Here is a list of all the technical errors that have been found since the book was published. The latest correction was made on August 3, 2018. If you purchased the book after that date, your copy does not have these errors.

  • At Location 1010, the code snippet should be:


    @media screen and (max-width: 480px) {

    body {background-color: white; }


    @media screen and (min-width: 481px) {

    body {background-color: gray; }


    This error was corrected on August 5, 2016.

  • At Location 1029, the following line of code should be deleted:

    .midSize {

    This error was corrected on August 5, 2016.

  • At Location 1037, the following line of code should be deleted:

    .midSize {

    This error was corrected on August 5, 2016.

  • At Location 1053, the code snippet should be:


    @media screen and (max-width: 480px) {

    body { background-color: white; } /* phone background */


    @media screen and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 780px) {

    body { background-color: yellow; } /* tablet background */


    @media screen and (min-width: 781px) {

    body { background-color: red; } /* computer background */


    This error was corrected on August 5, 2016.

  • At Location 1623, the code snippet shows two line-height declarations:


    a.header-nav { font-size: 1.4rem; line-height: 2.9166667; line-height: 2.5; padding: 0 1rem; }

    Technically, this code works; but it is not efficient, and it is not elegant. To set line height explicitly, only one declaration is needed. The code snippet would be better as:


    a.header-nav { font-size: 1.4rem; line-height: 2.5; padding: 0 1rem; }

    This error was corrected on August 3, 2018.

In addition to the technical errors listed above, minor mistakes (like language and formatting errors) have been found and corrected.